Nero Creta

Polished Porcelain Large Format Nero Creta
Finish:  Polished
Size: 1200 x 2400 x 6.5 mm / 1200 x 2780 x 6.5 mm / 1600 x 3200 x 12 mm (Code is 1KON6.5NECRP followed by the size i.e.  1KON6.5NECRP120X240
Application:  Walls & Floors


Polished Porcelain Large Format Nero Creta
Finish:  Polished
Size: 1200 x 2400 x 6.5 mm / 1200 x 2780 x 6.5 mm / 1600 x 3200 x 12 mm (Code is 1KON6.5NECRP followed by the size i.e.  1KON6.5NECRP120X240
Application:  Walls & Floors


Additional information

By Size

1200x2780mm, 1600x3200mm, 1200x2400mm

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Venice Stone Quartz Slabs
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